This is the result of the latest GAS attack (otherwise known as "Gear Acquisition Syndrome"): a Nikon F3HP with a 50mm f1.8 Ai-S Series E lens.
Disclaimer: Prior to having its portrait taken, the F3HP has been zhnged with a red soft shutter release button, and Peak Design's Leash (which is honestly one of my best purchases yet). Oh black and red so pretty~
This baby is HEAVY. I thought my Yashica Electro 35 GT was. This is heavier. But so much more solid. As with popular reviews, the F3HP is built like a tank and it feels like if I drop it, it would dent in many many areas but would still work perfectly. Before you ask - not gonna try.
A roll of expired Lucky 200 has been loaded, and pictures of Cubebot and Danbo (among other things) have been taken as test shots. I go through film so slowly if I'm not on holiday, I hope I actually get to develop this roll (and my other I-don't-know-how-many-months-old roll still sitting in the dry cabinet awaiting its birth) in the next...1 month.