"What the hell is A Surreal Motive?"
In short, A Surreal Motive has its roots in being the imaginary band of yuanz.
"Who the hell is that?" - Yes, I know that's what you're asking.

A yuanz is an earthly organism who enjoys earthly activities like photography, playing the drums, being selective about piano pieces to play, random designing on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, composing on Anvil Studio and Guitar Pro for her imaginary band when she feels like it, singing in the kitchen when no one is around, oogling at Harry Potter collectibles, and other whatnots that may or may not be worth mentioning. It is believed that her personality type is INFP.
The organism also has an accomplished record of drifting about in cyberspace in locations like deviantART, Flickr, Tumblr, AnimePaper, and MiniTokyo.
Among the organism's dreams include travelling the lesser-trod paths of the world with her camera, finally being able to hug her own drumset when she gets her own house, and being able to read Japanese like a native.
The organism also has a space on the web for photography at visuograf.
The organism also has an accomplished record of drifting about in cyberspace in locations like deviantART, Flickr, Tumblr, AnimePaper, and MiniTokyo.
Among the organism's dreams include travelling the lesser-trod paths of the world with her camera, finally being able to hug her own drumset when she gets her own house, and being able to read Japanese like a native.
The organism also has a space on the web for photography at visuograf.
Copyright © 2017 A Surreal Motive. All rights reserved.